
MID Server

The Management, Instrumentation, and Discovery (MID) Server is a Java application that runs as a Windows service or UNIX daemon. The MID Server facilitates communication and movement of data between the ServiceNow platform and external applications, data sources, and services.

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Five Example JSON Requests

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy to parse and generate. The ServiceNow JSON v2 web service operates on the JSON object as the data input and output format.

Having the JSON object available as a data format for web services means that you can create (insert), update, and query any data in your ServiceNow platform using the JSON object format, and get results in the JSON object format.

The JSONv2 web service is available in all instances starting with the Dublin release.  This article shows a variety of example JSON web service requests you can make with ServiceNow.

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Limit SOAP Data Returned

When you are making SOAP web service requests in ServiceNow, you can receive a lot of records returned and all columns available.  This article discusses how to limit rows returned and how to limit columns shown, so that you just receive the data you are interested in.

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