
Dynamic Filters

Previous to the Dublin version of ServiceNow, the only way to make certain filters was to create a scripted filter.

However what is new in the Dublin version of ServiceNow is the functionality called Dynamic Filters. These dynamic filters are easier to use for end users.  I believe they are currently restricted to reference fields, so you may still need to use scripted filters for certain situations.   However in upcoming releases, expect dynamic filters to be popular for filtering.

In this article I am going show some examples of both types of filtering options.  

Example 1: Incidents Assigned to me

Old Scripted Filter Method:

Filter: Assigned to is javascript:getMyAssignments()

New Dynamic Filter Method:

Filter: Assigned to is (dynamic) One of my Assignments

Assigned to me Dynamic Filter

Example 2: My Requests

Old Scripted Filter Method:

Filter: Active is true AND Opened By is javascript:gs.getUserID()

New Dynamic Filter Method:

Filter: Assigned to is (dynamic) Me

My Requests Dynamic Filter

Example 3: My Managed Projects

Old Scripted Filter Method:
Filter: Project Manager is javascript:gs.getUserID()

New Dynamic Filter Method:
Filter: Project Manager is Me

My Managed Projects Dynamic Filter

My Managed Projects Dynamic Filter